Raven Creek Social Club

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You Are Not Alone - Fighting The Lie We All Tell Ourselves

The Biggest lie we tell ourselves is we live in our own special type of hell, that no one else knows what it is like to feel the we do. We convince ourselves that our pain is a special pain, and there has never been another who has felt as alone, abandoned or betrayed the way we do. No understands us because no one else is like us.

Our greedy little minds start hoarding all the little details that sets us apart from everyone else. Our differences become our validation, our justification for misery and self-pity. Even as we wallow in our angst there is the smallest hint of pride, pride that my pain is not like your’s and your’s will never be like mine. Deep down inside we like it that way.

The truth is our pain isn’t special. It isn’t new and it isn’t unique. It is what we have all known or will know. We just don’t talk about it. We don’t share it because at first it is just too difficult, too scary, but then we use it as a shield, a way to keep others at a distance. It’s easier. It means we don’t have to put up with embarrassing and awkward questions. No one else gets to hurt us, and we can feel special in our misery.

Healing only happens in the Light, when we pull out all the ugly parts and expose them to the warmth. It is when we find that there are others holding the same deep ache wishing for someone to understand. We can do that for each other if we are willing to lay aside our pride, stop fearing that we will lose that one thing that makes us special and embrace our chance to pull others into the sun with us - and suddenly, you will find you are not alone.