Raven Creek Social Club

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I Am Tired

Warning Emily rant ahead -

I'm tired. I'm tired of Christians who complain of financial hardship but eat out five times a week, refuse to cut the cable, or give up any of the *justified* expenses in their life.

I'm tired of Christians who confuse their fear and hate of others with their own fear that God isn't big enough to address another's heart.

I'm tired of Christians who deride those around them while justifying their own equally damning offenses.

I'm tired of Christians who know all their neighbor's dirty little secrets but do not have the time to learn the history of our faith.

I'm tired of Christians who pride themselves on quoting popular verses but have not cracked a Bible in years.

I'm tired of Christians who expect the world to live up to the dictates of our faith, but never recognize any success we experience is the result of a relationship the world does not have.

I'm tired of Christians who revel in their ignorance and take pride in naïveté when we have been commanded to study, to have a ready answer, and walk in humility.

I'm tired of Christians who act as if the answer we find in Jesus removes the need to ask the question.

I'm tired of Christians who condemn without compassion, judge without mercy.

I'm tired of Christians willing to compromise and sell out under the guise of compassion and mercy.

I'm tired of Christians who have never learned to be real, and those who confuse being real with being rude.

I'm tired of Christians who do all the things I've done and sometimes continue to do but have no desire to be more than we currently are.