Raven Creek Social Club

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Joseph: From Slave to Administrator to Prisoner - Faith and Other Oddities Episode 30

Nathan throws a monkey wrench in the works when he begins asking about Tamar’s twins and twins as a theme in the Bible. But once we work through that we dive into Joseph’s time in Potiphar’s house, and we explore what character traits would have allowed him to find favor with Potiphar - the answer might be more nefarious than you thought. We discuss ancient slave trade, the uniqueness of Egyptian prisons, and how Potiphar’s wife uses racism to manipulate her husband.

Scripture from this episode:

Genesis 39

Resources from this episode:

Ben Sira -The Context of Sin and the Beauty of Pairs by Dr. Miryam Brand (podcast) - http://bit.ly/2PLsf52

Tamar’s Twins by Lubavitcher Rebbe (article) - http://bit.ly/2vBhvNd

Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs trans. R. H. Charles - http://bit.ly/2Ljds2S

Tale of Two Brothers - Egyptian Myth, trans. E.F. Wente - http://bit.ly/2J26aii

Horus Ruins Christmas by Lutheran Satire (YouTube) - https://youtu.be/s0-EgjUhRqA

Naked Bible 241: Psalms 24 and 29 In Their Ancient Context by Dr. Michael Heiser (podcast) - http://bit.ly/2WoV4qv

Naked Bible 261: Exodus 3 Part 2a by Dr. Michael Heiser (podcast) - http://bit.ly/2LxtNRw

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Joseph: From Slave to Administrator to Prisoner - Faith and Other Oddities Episode 30 Raven Creek Social Club