Raven Creek Social Club

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If There Is No Love

If there is no love for those you serve, then there is no love for the Father.

If there is no joy in your service to the Lord, then it is not Him that you are serving.

If there is no peace in the sacrifice, then it not being offered to our God.

If there is no patience in the waiting, then there is no stillness in which to hear His voice .

If there is no kindness extended to others, then you have not accepted the kindness of our King.

If there is no goodness in your work, then the work is not to His glory.

If there is no faithfulness in the toil, then there is no faith in Him to complete His good work in you.

If there is no gentleness in your actions, then you have denied the gentleness of our Father.

If there is no self-control, then you have not surrendered to the control of our King.

Every good deed we do is a testament to our relationship with our Lord, and every evil we commit against ourselves and others is denial of it. Our live are to inspired acts love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When we fail to demonstrate these things in our lives we are merely demonstrating how we have failed to draw close to Him.