Broken Feet At the King's Table - Faith and Other Oddities Episode 134

We finish examining 2 Samuel 8, manage to get through all of chapter 9, and dip our toes into chapter 10. In this famous story of David and Mephibosheth, we see how the complex character of David is on display. He acts both as shrewd politician and gracious king when honors his covenant with Jonathan. Along the way we see how David adopts God’s language as his own and try to discern if this good or bad. We discuss why this order of events may have been played with to pair this story of chesed with the following story of chesed, and we begin to see how the writer of Samuel uses these two narrative to provide a vivid and complex backdrop for the infamous chapter 11.

Scriptures from this Episode:

2 Samuel 8, 9, and 10:1-2

1 Chronicles 15

Genesis 14, 15:1 and 21, 26:24,

Numbers 21:34

Deuteronomy 3:2

Joshua 8:1

1 Samuel 11

Psalm 110:4

Resources from this Episode:

Faith and Other Oddities: Joseph Moves the Family to Goshen (Podcast) -

Soteriology 101 with Leighton Flowers (website, articles, and podcast) -

The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary by Robert Alter (Book) -

1, 2 Samuel: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture (Volume 7) (The New American Commentary)  by Robert Bergen (Book) -

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Broken Feet At the King's Table - Faith and Other Oddities Episode 134
Raven Creek Social Club