Q&A Number 1 - Faith and Other Oddities Episode 10

You can watch this and every episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YfQ7QnLgSW8

Our first Question and Answer Episode! This week we tackle these listener questions:

  1. What is difference between atheists and agnostics? And why should they listen to our show?

  2. Is there scientific proof of God?

  3. Why does the Catholic Bible have “extra books”?

  4. Do people care about theology?

  5. How to pick a church?

  6. What are some fun things to do with atheist friends?

Also featuring a listener challenge, and Nathan explains who the respiratory rate of rabbits was once a unit of measure in his mind.

Resources referenced in this episode:

God In Search of Man by Abraham Joshua Heschel - http://a.co/d/gyzFp4r

Believe In God In Five Minutes (Physics video referenced by Nathan) - https://youtu.be/eQVm8RokoBA

Emily’s Rules For Witnessing (Blog Post)

You can find Nathan and Emily at:

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ravencreekSC

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We would love to hear your thoughts, ideas, and questions.