See the Unseen
This morning, the Sunday sunrise hit my cup of coffee through the window and illuminated the steam in a beautiful way. I called my children to watch the steam curl and move with infinite grace.
Coffee and Me
I drink coffee nearly every day. For me, drinking coffee is an experience I savor. I enjoy the sound of the beans going into the grinder, the aroma of the brew wafting through the house, the gurgle the draught pouring into my cup, the heat warming my hands, and the first too-hot sip. I enjoy it all.I don't recall a time so thoroughly enjoying the steam though, and that's because I don't often sit my coffee cup in an area bathed in sunlight.I found myself contemplating the motion of the steam, and thought about how I go through my daily coffee routine and miss such an amazing view, simply because the light is wrong when I normally drink from a mug.And it struck me.
When the Light fills the Seer, the Seer can see what only the Light sees.The Light is Jesus Christ. God is Light, and Jesus is the Light of the World. When we are filled with His Spirit - the Holy Spirit - we can begin to perceive the divine... we become the Light of the World, shining the Light of the Father from within us. This is because, when you come to God through faith in Jesus, God makes his home inside you: you become the House of God, a living Temple of Light.That state begins transforming us.For most of us, that doesn't mean overtly or immediately sensing the spirit realm from God's perspective or perceiving what God is doing all the time, but for seers, it can certainly mean that,... and more.When seers aren't filled with God's presence, they can still see the spirit realm, but their perception is flawed and can deceive them.To see in truth, see from God's perspective, and to see from God's perspective, you need to be filled with his presence, and the avenue to that is to learn about Jesus, who was the perfect imprint of God on the earth, and who will fill you with his Spirit.So for my friends who are seers, I'll leave you with that: when you are filled with the Light, you'll begin to see what only the Light sees.