Seers See Podcast and new Commentarians Podcast

I hope you are doing well in this season! I have a couple new podcasts that may be of interest.

Applying the Kingdom of God Mindset to the Seer Gift

In the next episode of Seers See Ministries podcast, Gerry and I discuss "The Kingdom of God Mindset" - the filter through which I believe seers and those who love them should think about what it is seers see in the spirit realm. Gerry concludes the discussion with some practical examples of things he sees and how he responds through his filter.

The episode is available here: SSM 2.6 Applying the Kingdom of God Mindset to the Seer Gift

You can also listen through many podcast apps, including 

I'd appreciate your feedback. Is this the kind of content you are looking for? What would you like us to discuss? 

New Commentarians Episode

I also joined host Joe Zaragoza on The Commentarians Podcast.

They introduced the topic in a Coming Attractions episode here.

Then we watched the documentary "The Nightmare", which interviews and reenacts the sleep paralysis experiences of 8 very different people. It's terrifying, and I think resonates with the experiences a lot of you may have.

You don't have to watch the movie to engage the conversation in the podcast, which certainly went into unexpected directions. A link to the episode is here.

Let me know what you think!

You can follow The Commentarians here:

The episode is available in various places as well, but here's a link to the podcast page.

I discuss Sleep Paralysis in these 3 articles:

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Thanks for your support and I hope you enjoy the podcasts! 

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