Seers Seeing Auras

Shakespeare's GhostsSome seers, psychics and others claim they have the ability of seeing auras. Let's look at this phenomena.What are auras?An electromagnetic field which surrounds the human body?A person's "life force?"Some people can see lights outlining people and even objects, like pictures.  For simplicity's sake, I'll call these auras.  (For more thoughts on Auras, including what they may truly be verses counterfeit ideas, go here).  Our daughter is one of them, and only recently, she realized we didn't see the lights too.

Some seers perceive the spiritual power in a person.

I know of witches and sorcerers who can see in the spirit who have tried cursing people who shine with white or blue light or are covered in red in the spirit realm, and they can't figure out why the curses won't affect those blood-soaked people. Well, that's the blood of Jesus, and it covers them.The light that makes up the auras is the power drawn from the spirit in a person.  Some people shine brightly with the white light of the Holy Spirit, who makes Christ-followers His home. Sometimes the fire of the Holy Spirit can burn so powerfully in someone, their aura can appear whitish-blue.And yes, objects can be blessed or cursed as well.Some are looking for a concise color-code for auras. That's a cheat for the gift of discernment, which the Holy Spirit will empower, especially in Seers. The human brain is remarkably sensitive and perception is shaped by many aspects. Whereas one seer may perceive one color around a person, another seer will perceive that impression differently or not at all or at different times. This appears to add subjectivity to the perception of auras, but this subjectivity doesn't invalidate the perception.The human brain is remarkably sensitive.People perceive colors differently in the natural, depending on a host of factors. One factor is a person's sex. Women see colors and their brains  interpret them differently than men. Whereas a woman may describe a color as azure, a male may see only blue. The brains between men and women are (shock) different.[ref]See: Moir, Anne, and David Jessel. Brain Sex: The Real Difference between Men and Women. New York: Dell, 1992. Print.[/ref]Even computer screens and color printers will render precise colors differently, which in turn look differently to different people. How much more would spiritual perception be difficult to quantify?Some people draw their spiritual power or essence from their own human spirit or from other spirits, and seers can pick up on that, and, through God's gift, discern something from their auras.A biblical example is basically anytime Jesus showed up with people who were oppressed or possessed by demons. Those people discerned the power in him, and ran to him. One man ran to him from far away, he couldn't possibly have seen who was getting off the boat unless he saw in the spirit the shining man from heaven, sent to make him free from demons, because where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.Some people think that auras can be photographed, a procedure called  Kirlian Photography. I disagree that Kirlian Photography can capture auras, for reasons I'll explain later.