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Posts tagged Religion
25 - Gospel Allegiance

The Greek word "pistis" (the word we usually see translated as "faith" or "belief") can also mean "trust", "faithfulness", and "allegiance". In this episode, I particularly explore the implications if we render it as "allegiance" - a proposal that makes sense given that Jesus is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and God the Son.

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24 - Good News For All

In this episode, I ask the question, "Is the Gospel good news for everyone?", and look at how it is good news for all people without distinction, but not good news for people without condition. The Gospel is only truly good news for those who respond with faith/trust/allegiance in Jesus.

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23 - Putting Jesus in a Box

In this episode, I critique a view that is becoming more common - that we should use the incarnate Christ as our only measuring stick for telling us what God is like. Yes, it is one of our clearest views, but looking only at Jesus' earthly ministry ignores what the Son was doing before the Incarnation, and what the Son will do at the second coming.

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17 - The Gospel of Victory and Hellenism

This episode explores one of the many “gospels” that would have been in competition for people’s loyalty and trust, leading up, and during the 1st century - Hellenism (Greek language and culture.)

Understanding this is important as we seek to understand how people would have understood even the basic term, “gospel”, when Jesus and His disciples started preaching that the Kingdom of God was at hand.

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12 - Good News - The Story of the Bible

In this episode, we talk about the big picture story of the Bible as a chiasm or “sandwich" - that God made creation for a specific purpose, and that God is bringing creation toward that purpose one step at a time. This story centers on Jesus - His incarnation, life, ministry, death, and resurrection.

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