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Posts tagged Resurrection
52 - Interview: The Gospel is Bigger Than You Think (w/ Anthony Delgado)

What is the Gospel? How does it relate to the story of Scripture? What did Jesus accomplish? Join Joshua Sherman and Anthony Delgado as they discuss these ideas, and Anthony’s new book, “The Gospel is Bigger Than You Think.”

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SPECIAL: Discussion - Atonement and Sacrifice

Spencer Owen, Phil Bray, Troy Yurchak, and Joshua Sherman discuss the broad context of atonement and sacrifice in Scripture, providing some helpful frames for digesting the Bible Project’s episodes on Atonement and Burnt Offerings.

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50 - The Destiny of Believers - Theosis

What is Theosis? What did Athanasius actually mean when he wrote that "God became man so that man might become God?"

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49 - The Destiny of Believers - The Incarnation

What does the Incarnation of Christ tell us about the destiny of those who become, by faith, part of the Church - the "Body of Christ?"

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48 - The Destiny of Believers - Partakers of the Divine Nature

Scriptures tells us that believers become “partakers of the Divine Nature.” Do we believe that?

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47 - The Destiny of Believers - Children of God II

When we talk about eternal life, part of what we're talking about is being children of God. What does that look like? What Scriptures do we have that help us understand this?

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46 - The Destiny of Believers - Children of God I

When we talk about eternal life, part of what we're talking about is being children of God. What does that look like?

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45 - The Destiny of Believers - Eternity II

In this episode - Part II of looking at what will life be like for believers, for eternity, after Christ comes again.

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44 - The Destiny of Believers - Eternity I

What will life be like for believers, for eternity, after Christ comes again? It won't be harps and clouds. It won't be living as spirits. It will involved glorified, resurrected bodies, where the new heavens meets the new earth!

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43 - The Destiny of Believers - Intermediated State

When we talk about the destiny of those who place their faith in Christ, we need to be clear about the difference between where believers go when they die now, and where we’ll be for eternity. This week, we explore the “intermediate state” - where we will go when we die, before Jesus returns.

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42 - The Destiny of Believers - New Creation

The Gospel of John presents the day of the Resurrection as the first day of new creation and Jesus as the new Adam - signaling the new life that Jesus brings.

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41 - The Image of God - Summary

Tune in for a good summary of our series on the Image of God - what it is, how it ties into the Gospel, and how this helps define the hope that we have in Christ - something we can proclaim to everyone we meet, knowing that they can live out this hope, too, through faith in Christ.

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40 - Christ Restores the Image of God

Christ came, in part, to restore the Image of God to its fullness, in humanity - in those who respond in faith. Where do we see this in Scripture? What does this mean?

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39 - The Image of God - Bearing God's Name 2

How do we understand "bearing God's name" in the New Covenant? How does this relate to the Gospel?

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38 - The Image of God - Hallowed Be Your Name

When we pray the Lord's Prayer, and say "Hallowed be Thy Name", what do we mean? What can we learn about this from reading the Scriptures? How does this tie into the Gospel?

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37 - The Image of God - Bearing God's Name

What does it mean to bear God’s name? How does this differ from bearing God’s image? How does this tie into the Gospel?

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36 - The Image of God - Children of God

Being created in the Image of God is related to being children of God. How should we understand this? Is each and every person a child of God by virtue of creation? Or is this something that is dependent on faith in Christ?

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35 - The Image of God and the Fall

How was the Image of God impacted by the Fall? What are the implications for this in how we understand what we're doing as we preach the Gospel?

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