Lot and Lots of Trouble - Faith and Other Oddities Episode 13

You can watch this and every episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/KGOV55r4MiI

Abraham and Lot split ways, but this is more than family squabble. This week we explore the reasons for the split, what it might entail, and how imaginative reading can help us see the characters of the Bible as real people. Abraham leads an army to save the people of Sodom, Melchizedek arrives to realign Abraham’s thinking, and the King of Sodom attempts to buy Abraham off. Along the way we discuss how the Jews in Alexandria draw on the tradition of Melchizedek to address the dilemma of circumcision for converts, and how this might of impacted the writings of Paul. Also how Jethro and Moses retell the story of Abraham and Melchizedek.

Resources from this episode:

Reversing Hermon by Dr. Michael Heiser (book) - https://amzn.to/2CaiKGk

JPS Torah Commentary (book) - https://amzn.to/2M2i7mL

What Day Was Jesus Born? Naked Bible Podcast - https://bit.ly/2igKMoQ

Melchizedek Part 1a Naked Bible Podcast - https://bit.ly/2RmVL55

Hell On Wheels (DVD Set) - https://amzn.to/2H7fmBB

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